Street Light Planned for Airport Road?? 

Street Light Planned for Airport Road??

Watertown Board recently approved $17,500 to help pay for a new light to be installed at the Airport Road/Clark Road interchange. I was wondering, if the demand for this light arose out of need caused by traffic demands resulting from the development around us, why aren't the developers being charged these costs? There will be more costly road improvements required in the near future -- most of them should be acknowledged before developments are approved. Then -- the costs should be assessed directly to the developers profiting from the improved infrastructure. Safety related improvements should be made before expansion plans are implemented. Why shouldn't taxpayers pay this cost in exchange for future revenues resulting from growth? Because we do not participate in risky real-estate development -- we should require developers accept this risk up front and protect the community from cost whether the development succeeds or fails.

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Comment To The Informed Observer: Maybe you should try acting like an adult, because I would have to say that your comments are quite childish. Personal attacks are simple minded and a waste of time. In my opinion, its about darn time some one exposed those who are bringing the township down. Tax payers have the right to know!

Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:41 am MST by Anonymous

Comment Ms. Sims just doesn't care to pay any attention to the details concerning any saftey issue surrounding the growth and develpment of this township because she just doesn't like the people of Watertown and Clinton County and has said so in numerous ways. My favorite quote happens to be "The residents here inClinton County are so weird". Well Tubbs, I'll ask you who do you think pays you? And, have you looked in the mirror lately or have you found some integrity?

Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:38 am MST by Sick and tired. Is the Dr. in?

Comment DEAR INFORMED OBSERVER, We think that you are a very unhappy individual right now because you know that your deeds are catching up with you. We will say that Gene and Ms. Sims have a lot to hide, but the rest of the board members seem to have it together professionally. We will say that the board's only fault is that they trust anything that you have to say. How unfortunate. We think that two board members at a time should stay at the office all day several days a week or hire a private company to observe the inner workings of the office and report back to the Taxpayers. We all know that we will find there is no need for full time positions at all in the Watertown Offices. Period. Is this why you don't sign your names to your comments posted to this blog site? We thought so. You two are so transparent.


Comment To Informed Observer: Actually, I draft my little articles on my blackberry while I'm traveling. Then, I post them when I have time to wait for an upload. I can monitor this site like an email account -- and I multitask. Are you sure you are informed, or mis-informed? By the way, have you noticed I often identify a problem and then offer solutions? The above article is an example. Some people have placed negative comments to my articles on this site, but nobody has come forward to offer alternate points of view -- only personal attacks. These people are elected public officials and appointees -- they are accountable to me, a taxpayer, for their actions and inactions. If they can't stand the heat.... YOU are welcome to post something positive -- I'll be happy to hear some good news for a change. It takes very little time to draft a response like this one -- you must be monitoring this site closely - eh? I'm glad I got your attention -- were you one of my friends before the last election?

Wed May 25, 2005 1:40 pm MST by Chris Pratt

Comment Chris- do you have a job? you seem to post to this almost constantly. Why? I've yet to read anything positive that you've written. It would almost appear that your personal attacks on the Township's Bd Members and Township Administrator are personal rather than a professional disagreement about an issue. I wonder if it's because your still bitter that you lost the election. Get a life.

Wed May 25, 2005 1:11 pm MST by An Informed Observer

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